Thursday, January 1, 2009

new year!

HELLO 2009!

my graduation year has finally come! i'm excited yet also not at the same time haha.

so yesterday i went snowboarding with nicole, teddy, and angelynn at mountain high for the first time ever! it was sooo much fun! teddy gave me the rundown on how to turn and ride. i fell so many times haha! my butt never hurt so much. but it was all good. poor nicole got food poisoning the day before T_T. i tried to help her out as much as i could. hope you feel better soon! i was able to get leafing down on the slopes haha. even though i was kinda scared when i went down the more difficult slope. i was surprised how well nicole was doing for her first time on skis hha! especially on the first run on the bunny slope XD. i remember i was just sitting down (or i fell) and then all of a sudden, i see nicole ski'ing down screaming cuz she didn't know what she was doing ! ohhh man. but she didn't fall! so thats a good thing haha. when we went over to the west side i tried talking to angelynn some more since she wasn't doing any ski'ing or anythign except earlier when she was w/ nicole sledding over where there isn't supposed to be any snowplay. luckily she still had fun!

after the day was done, the secret plot for teddy's birthday was unleashed! we made a cake for him that took 5 hours (YES 5 HOURS) to make. ahha. pyramid cakes rock haha. luckily it came out pretty good. when he approached the door, all three of us silly stringed teddy like crazy!! total ambush haha! so after some eating we gave him our gifts. angelynn had the most creative wrapping i've ever seen ahah! and then mine had no wrapping XD. but the card was pretty bomb. nicole is working on her's still lol.

so the '08 year has been an amazing year! i had an amazing marching season, lots of fun with friends, an amazing relationship, got a great car to use, finally got into jazz 1, finally snowboarded, i was able to do so much in 08. I'll definitely remember 08 forever! its just too bad not all things can carry onto the new year. but at least new beginnings can happen. 09 WARRIORS!! here comes college! freedom! haha!

lets all have an amazing year!

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