Monday, January 26, 2009

LAST half of high school!

first semester is overrr! hats off to an amazing band season and a lot of good times. now for the real music to start haha. schedule how it's gonna look so far

0- English 12 CP w/ Higgins
1- Government AP w/ Christensen (finally spelled it right hah)
2- Symphonic band
3- Jazz Ensemble
4- more band???
5-stuck in this period with trig still.

so mrs. o'keefe is lame in that she doesn't understand that i have 3 periods of band when i really need two. so i gotta talk to mr. stone about if i should do T.A. for him or just see if i can get my math period moved even though i asked her already if i could move it.

Things are looking up for this second semester. i'll be able to focus on my grades better than during marching season, i won't have annoying econ class, i will hopefully study more for government as well.

I'm going to winter formal too =) i wasn't sure about going for a while due to the cost ($100 for a couple $____$ ). rented my tux today and luckily my parents are ok with paying for the tux since i covered the tickets. i have to go back tomorrow though to work out the color details since my date was out getting her dress at the time.

now to talk about this weekend. i can't remember what happened on saturday. lets see... i remember i woke up, worked out, and then.... hmm. i guess i didn't do much. OH i went to royal buffet haha! so i guess that was about it. haha. oh and i didn't go to club finality. i didn't know anybody else that was going so i just decided to forget it. sunday! went to church and there was a pretty good message. in youth group they talked about how man rebels against God. some basic principles were how consequences are a result of an action and there's good and bad ones. following the path of God will lead to God's eternal grace even with bad choices that were made. However, if you follow Satan's lies, consequences will surely lead to death. now what it means by Satan's lies was how Adam and Eve decided to disobey God by eating the forbidden fruit. This showed the obedience of the two. They had followed his lies and had doubt in God. So moral is, never lose hope in God even through the most rough times in life. And also do not fall for Satan's lies. they are more common in your life than you think. our society has allowed for some things to be "accepted" even though they are wrong. lying to parents, stealing, disobeying parents, underage drinking, sex before marriage. the list goes on and on. so thats why it is important to be able to distinguish the immoral actions that haunt our lives today in order to find God's Grace. i know that it is impossible to prevent these things but there's always God's Forgiveness. alrite enough about that haha! theres a sermon there for all those who don't go to church i guess haha!

so after church, i headed off to UCI w/ michelle to drop off her brother. while we were there i got to visit nicolee! =) we had to go to the gym in order to find her though ahha. and i had to put up my driver's liscense as collateral in the gym to get a guest pass. that place was pretty tight though. makes me wanna go to UCI. buuuut, it would waste my time in the end since they don't really have a strong music program =/ i wish i got to go to VIBE XIV though!! i knew probably more crews than nicole and jayvee combined! hahaha. oh welllls. $30 is expensive for just spectating especially when you have no money T_T. maybe next year XD.

today was my busiest day. woke up around 9:30 haha! so glad to not have school today. around 1:30 went to tux place and rented. it's gonna come out to more than i remember o_O. luckily i'm not paying for it this time XD. afterwards me and helen and jon lei checked out this disney store over by where toys r us used to be! dang they have a lot of stuff there! and its cheaper that disneylanddd. after that i went to accompanyist practice for auditions. it is starting to come along very nicely. i just hate how with saxophones it's much more difficult to stay in tune. or maybe its just my horn. idk. anyways after that, i helped out dominic ask michelle to winter formal. i just video taped it even though i couldn't see them in the video ahah! so yea interesting weekend . and an even more interesting next weekend! APU and UCLA audition O_____O wish me luck!

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