Sunday, January 11, 2009

sunday morning

hold on tight this is gonna be one hell of a ride.

SATURDAY was awesome. first i started off going to ayala to pick up joseph from poly club. i didn't know the drumline was practicing so i got to watch them a lil. haha teddy looks funny crabbing cuz he's really new to it still XD. and of course the bass 5 doesn't help either but yea. their show is ok for now. still only the beginning. i walked over to where poly club and i got to check out what the girls were doin. almost got me to join haha! got to talk to eunice about how nicolette and her named a tumbleweed after me (nate archibald)!! SO DOPE. so then i took joseph and headed over to taylor hurst's house to take him to gerry's. we started of playin some smash bros. on the 64. so old school. and slow haha. alan yoo then came so we had 5 people which fits perfect in my car.

we started off heading over to the crossroads park area. to our delight, it was snow day so they had the hill covered in snow for sledding and fun stuff like that all ironically on a hot day. so we were all walking around taking random pics. after that we headed over to joseph gaite's house to pick up his wallet and then we headed off to the (according to alan) "fake" cooper house. we wanted to get inside but, it wasn't possible unless we really decided to break some boards. some random person told us that we needed to get off so we just left. we then headed to the shoppes. surprisingly, we weren't stopped 6 million times by security for cameras unlike me ahha. so there wasn't much there so we headed BACK to crossroads park becuz jhan and john were supposed to be there, but they were at english springs... so we said screw that! and gerry told me about this dope spot to hit up for sunsets.

Rancho Hills dr. was simply amazing. the curved driveway up to the top had to be the best place for a sunset ever! and it was the best sunset i've ever seen. too bad i couldn't see it with a some special person. but at least i know where to go now. so as we watched the sunset into beautiful blue and orange ridge, directly behind us was the rising the the the moon! according to my friends (who i talked to later in the day), that saturday was the day that the moon was closest to the earth. and seriously, that moon was HUGE. i never seen it bigger in my life!!! so it was doope. we also got a great view of city lights as well. we moevd to a different spot in the same area to get even better city light pics. by then i was almost done with my second roll for the day and it was getting a lil dark for film pictures. so saturday was definitely a day full of beautiful scenery. i'm gonna miss chino hills...

after that we hit up some CPK. we tried to fill up on free bread as much as possible. ordered two pizzas. got out. then headed off to CVS so gerry could develop pics. while doing that, we went to best buy! i didn't expect to spend so much time on the macs there. macs are fun!! i called nicole to get some help on them. thanks again nicoley! while i was on the phone, gerry and taylor kept messing around making funny vids on the mac desktop. mac desktop was cheaper which i thought was surprisingly. so yea. i really want to get the macbook pro for my laptop. i'm gonna keep my desktop pc forevsss. hahah. not really though. so we spent like an hour and a half just messing around in there. oh yea! we also saw a new sony compact camera that takes pics when you smile. so annoying cuz there's 5 of us and we kept smiling randomly so it took a ton of pics haha hahah! ok.. later, joseph had to leave and i also did cuz i had to go to another sleepover XD

so sleepover again with same people minus one dude. so i was the only guy? we went to cue! first time since....... sadies?? O_O they have really expanded there and have A TON of new machines. i would scan the pics but i don't want to bust out the new printer yet. old one still has juice. so after that we went back to their house and watched lipstick jungle and fell asleep. that show is pretty good. haha.

woke up on leather sofa. with balls on fire... ahhaah! it got too warm. haha. i also noticed my pants were down? i guess i pulled them down cuz it got to hot.. but i don't remember. i still had boxers on don't worrry. anywayyyyys.

i arrived at church to first a nice youth group meeting where we were beginning to study the first book of the bible, Genesis. we got to play with PLAYDOH! i haven't used that stuff in forever. first thing that came to my mind with i saw it was, i wanna light that on fire! cuz i've never tried it before and its always made me wonder what really does happen. does it explode like plastic explosive???? anywayys. the youth group thingy was fun. they had trouble with a macbook cuz they wanted to show a vid. i couldn't find internet with it so w/e. they got it eventually.

so then the main worship service began. today's topic was all about abortion. this is a topic that was kinda put aside somewhat due to all the drama about prop. 8. so first of all, i walked into the room as pro-choice. what i believed in was that the woman should have a choice to really have the baby. the US is overpopulated anyways and it would ruin their life anyways.

after this service though, i made a complete turnaround. my pastor began to talk about the basics of abortion and also how they conduct abortions when the baby is around 7 months old or second trimester, which is know as partial-birth or also late-term abortions(i forgot which one exactly). during this operation, the woman is induced into labor by some sort of method. the baby comes out of the womb but stop at the head so the baby's head is still in the womb. they then will use some scissors or forceps and jam that into the back of the neck then stick a vacuum into the baby's skull and remove the brain. i found it also ironic that mr. Christensen (i spelled it right nicole!) happened to have mentioned this on friday. so this method was quite shocking to hear about. i found it painful to imagine having a baby die in your lap from a poor decision. my pastor also brought in a speaker from the pregnancy clinic right down the ways in the same plaza. she spoke about her experiences and how taking the life of a baby is a serious decision. there isn't really much good from having an abortion. at least there is benefits in the long run if you still have the baby. so i learned how there is much more to the pro-life side than i thought. The woman from the clinic told a story about a woman that she knew. she got pregnant and the doctor said that her child was going to be handicapped. so she decided to go through with the abortion still thinking her baby was going to be handicapped. when the abortion was complete, the nurse asked," so why did you get an abortion?". she responded,"i was told that my baby was going to be handicapped." "really? your baby was perfect." it was so sad for me to listen to this story because of the potential that these babies could've had. that woman lost a life that would've made her proud to not have the abortion, even if the baby was handicapped.

i couldn't help but imagine what if one of my friends got pregnant. i couldn't help but imagine what it would've been like if i was still dating. the speaker's husband made a good point that the men have a strong stance in the issue as well. if nobody's gonna do what is right then there needs to be somebody there to do what is right. he was telling the men that we should stand up and not run away. i was asked this question once, "if you got me pregnant, would you run away from it, or stay by my side?" my answer, " i would stay with you. i won't run away." i knew that i would be as much apart of the ordeal as the girl and that she would need somebody to stand with her. i'm glad i made that decision. and also i don't indulge in sexual activity. 20 minutes of pleasure isn't worth a lifetime of mental and physical stress that can occur if i got her pregnant.

so back to the sermon. the pastor then went back onto the stage. he spoke about a woman that he had spoke to and tried to assist her with her pregnancy by counseling her not to get an abortion. when she returned he found that she had aborted the child. she came in crying in regret of her decision. the pastor then began to also cry on-stage. it was amazing how silent the room was. i have to admit i almost shed some tears. so this was a very emotional sermon that has changed my beliefs forever.

in practically 1 1/2 hours, i switched to the pro-life side. my only exception would be rape. women should think about the consequences before having sex. it could end in the death of a child. thats my verdict. interesting how i started the day reading the book of Genesis. The word Genesis meaning, "beginning, life."

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