Tuesday, January 27, 2009



i was afraid i got like a C+ cuz i was doing pretty bad most of his tests getting a lot of C's.... but i'm glad that i got out of it! whewww. now to do better for next semester. i hate having more band periods than i need. haha. 4th is gonna be boring. i don't think i can get out of it. so i might have to stick with a 4th period TA. so lamee. oh well. we had our senior graduation information meeting thing in the MPR today. got to hear some information thats somewhat important.

so our graduation isn't going to be at the football field this year. why you ask? they are installing astroturf and a new track ! WHY THE FUUUUCK DIDN'T THEY DO THAT SOOONERRRR. of all the years.... dammit!! all the monday night practices of stupid ditches and holes in teh feaken field!!!!! LAEMFIOAMFEWA;OJFWJFNCVKXZEIJWO;. so they said that they want to have it at Citizen's bank arena. no clue where that is. but apparantly if they do that, all the high schools in teh district will be also having theirs at the same place at different times. smart right??? NOT. grad night isn't changing at least.

so i had a busy time after school as well. first i got soem pacific fish grill for .99 cent fish tacooos! those are so badass! i <3 taco tuesday. afterwards i had to take taylor home, but i made him go with me on my errands cuz i wasn't gonna just drive him home then do my stuff. so i went to tuxedo junction to tell the lady my color. Black with a hint of white. afterwards i dropped of taylor. then i went home, called APU about audition this friday. so it looks ilke 3 o'clock will be the magic time. hha. UCLA is gonna be tough to navigate for. i heard its like a city.

later on that day was my last honor band rehearsal! mann. i've had a lot of good memories for the past 3 years i was in it! although i hated how i couldn't audition for one of the solos after he heard everybody. cuz i didn't know the music and i asked him later if i could try it after he already picked some dude that can't even play the freaken solo in time..... stuuuupid. so we're stuck with a bad clarinet soloist in one song. nothing i can do now. so the songs are starting to come together. concert next tuesday!! at don lugo! 7 pm!!! $5 entrance fee. theres definitely good music this year.

also i'm amazed.... how after all the drama tahts already happened, there's still shit happening. dam i want it resolved already! even though i dont' really have much to do with it, i want to help since they're my closest friends. i would say more but i would singling out certain people on a public blog which i don't want to do haha.

anyways i'm done with this crap. i wish things could be how they used to be last year, or any year before. lol i wish i graduated last year. economy sucks now.... feajfe;oaw

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