Thursday, February 26, 2009


i haven't posted since sunday. noooo wayyyyyyy! hahahah!

duuude! my dad is all into left 4 dead now! he got a new computer so its all crisp and fast on his X_X. faster than mine haha. pretty random. and he's also doing this online hemetite jewelry thing too. the magnetic bracelets and such and such. his site is

not bad for someone who knows nothing about websites. i'm serious lol take a look!

anyways i guess i haven't posted here in a while since there isn't anything really new. i need to get back on my audition piece again cuz i've been kinda slacking off on it due to school work =/

since both my parents are retired, they're home A LOT. so i have less privacy now -___- so i get distracted as well.

my mom has been asking me for the past few weeks what i want to do for my birthday. I FIGURED IT OUT =) what i would like to do is go snowboarding with CTF on the weekend!! =D i think its interesting how lately our group has only been able to come together in threes. disneyland was me, dom, and nicole. UCI visit was me, nicole, michelle. and snowboarding was me, dom, and michelle. so THIS TIME i wanna get us all together! and then afterwards we can play pool or somethin lol.

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