Tuesday, February 10, 2009

what a busy wed??

hoooly crappp. its gonna be busy tomorrow. i'll be missing A TON of school tomorrow. 0 period i'll still be there for the whole period. but right afterwards i'm taking that NAEP test that a bunch of seniors were chosen to do. so that is gonna last 90 minutes so i'll be out of 1st period and somewhat into second per. i should be staying at 3rd. 4th period i'll be leaving at 11 to go home and get dressed for a scholarship music competition. grand prize is $5,000 scholarship. but i need to get all the way to the top and that will be very difficult, especially against all the pro piano players there are in this world haha. i'll be playing my audition piece for saxophone that i've been working on.

and then later at night, drama performance. what sucks is that our orchestra isn't an orchestra anymore, but a marching band that plays a lil march at the end. we were supposed to play through the entire book of 45 songs or so that are in the musical. but we received the music only 2 weeks ago and honestly, thats not enough time to put it all together with 12 musicians. so now we're going to be dressing up in our uniforms (the nice uniforms, not the old ones) and we're going to march around the inside playing some song that we need memorized and i'm sure nobody does haev it memorized. i worked on it today but honestly, i need to focus on audition music more X_X.

i thought it was raining right now. and then it stopped like 4 minutes ago. i looked outside and there are no clouds o_O. i think it was a sprinkler that was broken and just shot up water in the air. XD

oh my dad told me a funny random joke. it has to do with spaghetti.

so this guy who's married had sex with a italian woman and got her pregnant. he told her that in order to prevent a scandal from going on i'll pay for a ticket back to Italy for you. and when you have the kid, send me a postcard, not an email, and just write a code word. lets use the code word"spaghetti" for the baby. so just write that for when you have the kid so i can send you money for the kid. so she said ok and she went off back to Italy. 9 months later or so, his wife comes in with the mail. "honey theres a postcard for you. it doesn't have a return address or anything, it just has a weird message that i don't understand." he took a look at and began to read the postcard in shock. it said, "spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti. need lots of extra sauce." HAHHA.

so if you don't get it, the italian woman had four kids. so she needed a lot of money thus the "extra sauce." ok i'm done for tonight ahaah

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