Monday, February 2, 2009

UCLA "rescheduling" audition

thats pretty much how it was. so my parents drove me down to UCLA so i'm less stressed and everything about the audition. good thing cuz traffic in was horribleeeee. i would hate to have to drive to a job everyday in that kind of traffic. thats just stupid. haha. so when we started getting in closer to UCLA, i got to see the surrounding shopping area. its pretty tight down there! tons of places to eat with tons of clothing stores like urban outfitters which was the only one i really can remember right now. my parents liked the area so if i do make it there they won't be dissappointed or anything. haha CSULB isn't in the greatest area XD

anyways so upon arriving we got into a parking lot and walked over to the building for my audition. i was able to get a practice room and be able to work with janus when she arrived. so they were running about half an hour behind schedule which was perfectly fine with me. just gave me more time to warm up. soon the lady came down and lead me to the room for my audition. and as soon as i walked into the room, i knew i was in the wrong place.

these guys were legit jazz guys. i could tell from their real laid-back speech and everything. and i've been preparing a classical piece for months, not jazz..... so at first they were greeting me very nicely. asked a few questions like how long i've been playing and where i'm from. and all questions were mainly from one guy and theres like a total of 6 faculty members i'm standing in front of. surpringly i was not nervous. probably beign sick kept me calm.

so then they moved onto me playing. as soon as i told them what i was playing, the head guy said, "hold on, hold on, wait a minute. this for the jazz program, we don't want to hear that we want to hear your improvization and creativity." soooooooooooo. i've been preparing the wrong thing this whole time. the other guys seemed like it would been alrite to hear me play at least a little. but head man just wanted jazz. one of them told me i could play a melody and just see if i can mess around on it. that wasn't the mind set i had going in there. so they however wanted to give me a chance by getting me rescheduled for classical audition. it was funny hearing how these faculty guys though would argue about me transferring later. one guy saying he can transfer later, the other saying no. just back and forth.

so me and janus were escorted into another room to talk to the undergrad advisor there. he talked to me and said plainly, "well you're not going to get into the ethnomusicology (jazz studies) program." aww mannn. but at least i'll have a shot in the classical area. so he talked to me more about what i have planned and went over to talk to the guy running the winds classical auditions. so i might be able to get a slot for next weekend. but it would have to be in the morning because of winter formal T_T. so in a way it was kind of a waste.

these auditions however give a look into what college i'm getting myself into. obviously UCLA is very serious and strong in what they do. the players that go there are already extraordinary players at the top of their game. honestly, i'm not at that level in jazz. classical might be another story but it would have to be on clarinet. so yeeeep. UCLA music program isn't easy to get in unlike how certain ayala juniors might think.

when i got home i was dying to see where the hell the ethnomusicology info was on the music site. i checked it again. i didn't find it......... soooo i was blind sided. no link or anything. so that was pretty lame. well at least APU is promising =)

so afterwards i headed off to a church sleepover taht is actually at the church. so all day i noticed people have a hard time telling what i'm saying cuz my voice is so horrible. my parents got all pissed off at me cuz i would sound like i'm snapping back when i just didn't want to really talk much. anyways, church sleepover. it was soo fun! i wasn't gonna do the sleepover part but i was definitely gonna hangout until they all went to sleep. so some highlights were talking to momotree a lot haha, playing dodgeball/nationball with inflatable globe balls that i loved to curveball at everybody, playing this one game that was like a combiniation of age of empires and soemthing else, anddd playing with the lil kids of course haha! i play with the little kids a lot at my church. they call me "Big Nate" cuz theres another lil kid named nathan so i'm big nate XD. so it was a lot of fun. i got home around 2:30ishhh. my parents are so much lighter on me this year with curfew. lame! i needed that last year cuz i was actually out a lot more!!

and today was church. i was asleep half the sermon XDDDD omggg i'm soo bad! i'm sitting next to my parents too haha. afterwards i was more awake. got to talk and hang with the youth group some more. of course it was still hard for me to talk but i'm getting better as the days go by. i'm pretty much recovered except for the congestion. and nowwwww

i'm watching vids from the past marching season T_____T i miss it sooo muchhh ay ay ayyy. ok so so so so SO! i have UCLA audition again this saturday and i'm probably gonna play some clarinet too. then afterwards i'll have winter formal. and then its a 3 day weekend!! woooo!! planning on making a visit to irvine again sooon and actually chilling for a while too. haha. can't wait!

oh and #1 choice audition is in mar. 7thhhh. i should prepare jazz stuff just in case X_X

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