Thursday, February 26, 2009


i haven't posted since sunday. noooo wayyyyyyy! hahahah!

duuude! my dad is all into left 4 dead now! he got a new computer so its all crisp and fast on his X_X. faster than mine haha. pretty random. and he's also doing this online hemetite jewelry thing too. the magnetic bracelets and such and such. his site is

not bad for someone who knows nothing about websites. i'm serious lol take a look!

anyways i guess i haven't posted here in a while since there isn't anything really new. i need to get back on my audition piece again cuz i've been kinda slacking off on it due to school work =/

since both my parents are retired, they're home A LOT. so i have less privacy now -___- so i get distracted as well.

my mom has been asking me for the past few weeks what i want to do for my birthday. I FIGURED IT OUT =) what i would like to do is go snowboarding with CTF on the weekend!! =D i think its interesting how lately our group has only been able to come together in threes. disneyland was me, dom, and nicole. UCI visit was me, nicole, michelle. and snowboarding was me, dom, and michelle. so THIS TIME i wanna get us all together! and then afterwards we can play pool or somethin lol.

Sunday, February 22, 2009


i forgot to add this but, earlier today after church i went to this new sushi place called Sushi Q. over by the starbucks next to the shell gas station.

it was their grand opening today and apart of that they had all you can eat sushi for

ONLY $2.50!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


but i was thinking it was going to suck for a while but it ended up not being that bad. only problem was there was a kinda of a long line and they had to close it like every 20 minutes to replenish their sushi cuz it would just be gone in seconds. hahah. i had like 2 plates of as much as i could think wouldn't be too greedy XD
so Music Man is finally over now. it was fun hanging around the other people while waiting to go on hahaha! omg so much fun back there. but yea it was fun in the end. i'm just glad its over cuz now i can get back to my homework.

OH on friday i didn't fall asleep all day!!! i finally decided to try having a cup of coffee in the morning to see how that works. and it actually works quite well. and then during church today i was nodding off during the sermon. i got like 8 hours of sleep so i was surprised. i always need a lot of sleep X_X

my mom had her last day of work on friday also. she's now retired! daaaaam. both my parents are retired now... and i haven't even hit college yet O_o. so i guess i'll be seeing them around the house more now. darn no privacy =( like right now my dad just walked into my room when i'm trying to type this just saying random stuff.

a lot of drama has been happening around me, and luckily haven't really been apart of any but is this drama season? sure its stuff that needs to be settled but dam... why now all of a sudden? maybe its just because its senior year and people want to get it all out before its too late idk. 555. 404.

this is random but i hate the word awkward now. i've heard it everywhere for like the past few months. gawdd

Monday, February 16, 2009

V-Day weekend

honestly had an awesome v-day weekend. =)

on friday all i wanted to do was get OUT of school hahah! so afterschool, me and my dad went to chick's sporting goods to rent snowboard gear for saturday cuz i was going with michelle and dom up to mt. high for an awesome day of fresh paoowdaaaa! so we head over there and theres a HUGE sale going on right now 10-50% everything. another store closing sale unfortunately. so my dad saw that sale and started asking about boards and what kind of deal we can get and what they had to offer. and i was still in the mindset of getting just rental. but then my dad decided that he would buy me a board and bindings for an early b-day present. hey i won't complain =) i was really surprised! but i just need to get boots now which we did rent. so i walked out of there a happy boy =))) it's just that my actual b-day won't be so jolly cuz i already got the present lol.

saturday. MT. HIGHHHH! this was my first time up in the mountains with fresh snow. and it was sooo much fun!!! michelle and dom took me on the intermediate slopes. and the lift going up was REALLY fast. so i was nervous at first heading up there. and of course it was FREEEEEEEZING. something 25 degrees? X___X so since the snow was fresh, everytime i would fall it wouldn't hurt as much. but the snow would just get everywhere lol. sometimes i would fall forward and the snow would just get all over my face and i would look like an old man XD and then all the snow would go down my jacket BRRR!! and also my knitted scarf would get covered in snow too. while up on the slopes i was starting to be able to carve!! dominic was helping me out with that cuz i honestly had no clue how to do it. and when we would get down to the bottom of the mountain we would go over to where there was these ramps for the rails. except we wouldn't ride the rails. we were going off the ramps thats all =) some i landed. the others i fell. one of michelle's friends were up there too and he also tried the jumps with us and it was so funny. around 3 o'clock or so we were heading to the restaurant at the base cuz we were starting to get hungry. while in there, michelle was trying to decide on what to get since everything there is pretty expensive. while we were about to walk out, we saw suzie friedman walk by. me and michelle were like, oh wait is that... but she was soaking wet so we didn't really say anything.

by then a grey gloomy cloud was starting to cover the top of the mountain. we sat around thinking wondering if we really want to go back up for one last run before our 8 hour pass was up. those clouds were a lil intimidating. but in the end we went up. when we got to the top it was like extreme fog! it was tight snowboarding down though cuz it was all foggy and hard to see anybody lol. but i was able to consistently carve down on the less steep parts =) so i'm happy that i starting to be able to carve. i'm just nowhere close to consistent. so overall it was an awesome v-day!

sunday. i think something woke me up around 2 o'clock in the morning... so i didn't get that great of sleep after that. but i woke up later and i returned the rental boots and headed off to church. the sermon was about how christians are typically afraid to spread the gospel which is 100% true. i've found myself hesitating to spread the word because i would either get nervous, or afraid that the person won't care. so maybe thats something i should try someday. after church we had our usual 3rd sunday potluck and the theme was potatoeees! it was awesome as usual =) after that, i went home to grab some stuff and headed off to irvine.

so i arrived like almost an hour later that i was supposed X_X. and upon arriving there was some unexpected drama that also showed up....but things improved later. so i got to hang out with nicole for a while and later on met up with jayvee and also one of nicole's newer friends meghan li. EVERYBODY JOIN THE MEGHAN LI IS ANNOYING GROUP ON FACEBOOK!! its just for fun just in case you were wondering. she's not really annoying but just join it =) anyways they took me to the commons at middle earth called Pippin. college food in general is so much better than the crap we have back at ayala hahaha! anyways it was fun getting to hangout with those guys plus it gives me a better idea of what college life is like. oh and traffic is nice heading back home at 1:20 am cuz theres hardly any cars XD only thing was i would drift into other lanes cuz i was so tireddd.. but i was able to hold on till i got home wheww. i guess that green tea wasn't strong enough in caffiene.

now for today! woke up at 10:30 very refreshed. still sore as hell from snowboarding but better nonetheless. my mom wanted me to do another photo shoot with someone different to potentially save money cuz prestige photos is expensive. i don't get what she worries so much about. she's probably gonna end up spending more this way.... oh well. pics were kinda cool in the end. after that i was on the comp some more messing around on pet society oh gawhshh. haha! and then later in the day i finally got my photo sesh pics when i was chiling with gerry, alan, joseph, and taylor developed. got some really good shots in =) i'll upload later!!

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

what a busy wed??

hoooly crappp. its gonna be busy tomorrow. i'll be missing A TON of school tomorrow. 0 period i'll still be there for the whole period. but right afterwards i'm taking that NAEP test that a bunch of seniors were chosen to do. so that is gonna last 90 minutes so i'll be out of 1st period and somewhat into second per. i should be staying at 3rd. 4th period i'll be leaving at 11 to go home and get dressed for a scholarship music competition. grand prize is $5,000 scholarship. but i need to get all the way to the top and that will be very difficult, especially against all the pro piano players there are in this world haha. i'll be playing my audition piece for saxophone that i've been working on.

and then later at night, drama performance. what sucks is that our orchestra isn't an orchestra anymore, but a marching band that plays a lil march at the end. we were supposed to play through the entire book of 45 songs or so that are in the musical. but we received the music only 2 weeks ago and honestly, thats not enough time to put it all together with 12 musicians. so now we're going to be dressing up in our uniforms (the nice uniforms, not the old ones) and we're going to march around the inside playing some song that we need memorized and i'm sure nobody does haev it memorized. i worked on it today but honestly, i need to focus on audition music more X_X.

i thought it was raining right now. and then it stopped like 4 minutes ago. i looked outside and there are no clouds o_O. i think it was a sprinkler that was broken and just shot up water in the air. XD

oh my dad told me a funny random joke. it has to do with spaghetti.

so this guy who's married had sex with a italian woman and got her pregnant. he told her that in order to prevent a scandal from going on i'll pay for a ticket back to Italy for you. and when you have the kid, send me a postcard, not an email, and just write a code word. lets use the code word"spaghetti" for the baby. so just write that for when you have the kid so i can send you money for the kid. so she said ok and she went off back to Italy. 9 months later or so, his wife comes in with the mail. "honey theres a postcard for you. it doesn't have a return address or anything, it just has a weird message that i don't understand." he took a look at and began to read the postcard in shock. it said, "spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti spaghetti. need lots of extra sauce." HAHHA.

so if you don't get it, the italian woman had four kids. so she needed a lot of money thus the "extra sauce." ok i'm done for tonight ahaah

Monday, February 9, 2009

yay no school!

so today was a relaxing day. i worked out for like 45 mins. then i went to drop off tux and pick up the pics. afterwards i hung out with some church buddies for a while cuz i had nothing to do. came home. started studying this unit circle and also trying to work out some plans for this scholarship competition i joined in on. its a music competition hosted by the rotary club. so the 1st place winner can get a 5 grand scholarship and the second and third get thousand dollar ones. mr. stone strongly suggested that i do it so i'm gonna give it a try. its just that i hope my accompanist can make it and that i have to miss some school on wed. to do it.

it is extremely coolld tonight!!! feels like the mountains at night on the slopes! i'm planning on going snowboarding saturday woooot! that was random haha. oh yea and i'm really thinking about if i should get a job after my auditions when i still have school. cuz like last year, i struggled in school and social life because of it. but i got money so i didn't have to ask parents all the time for cash and they're probably not doing the best economically. hmmm. i just remembered that in two weeks BOTH my parents are going to be retired O_O.. crazy huh? well i'm gonna random cut to this now

so my upcoming plans:
-school musical which i'm playing in. starting on wed. ending i forgot when
-scholarship competition on wed.
-gov test T_T
-a boring 4th period tomorrow and for the rest of the semester X_x
-visit to irvine
-another three day weekend =)
-APU audition and CSULB audition

oh and i'm stealing this from another friend's blog cuz its just so good.

"Hugging is healthy. It helps the immune system, cures depression, reduces stress, &induces sleep. It’s invigorating, rejuvenating, &has no unpleasant side effects. It’s nothing less than a miracle drug. Hugging is all natural. It’s organic, naturally sweet, has no artificial ingredients, environmentally friendly, &is 100% wholesome. Hugging is the ideal gift, great for any occasion, fun to give &receive, shows you care, comes with its own wrapping paper, &of course, it’s fully returnable."

i'll take hugs anyday =)

Thursday, February 5, 2009

what the fruit?

i heard that on the radio for the drink called "Jarritos." which is just some fruit soft drink.. psssh.

so today i had orchestra practice practice today. it was disappointing honestly. i came in hoping all the others would deliver some completion of the music. but it was far from it. i could tell almost everybody hasn't practiced it except for a select few. i didn't practice it either honestly, but i'm able to sightread a lot of it though. so we tried running through one of the songs real quick with the pianist who is sort of leading the band. and after that she just told us that we're not gonna be able to play everything in this book. and we would only play like a few of them and do some march afterwards which i thought is random. i'm not in the mood to march at a play o_O. so yea they actually want us to march around afterwards haha! do some 4 to 5's around the MPR XD jk. so yea i'm not satisfied with the orchestra at the moment. i had the soprano all set up too and i didnt' even get to play that =( so there seriously needs to be some major practices in the next few days if we want to pull it together.

another thing is the choice of players. most of the top players don't want to do the musical which i thought was lame. it doesn't even take up that much time... oh well. i'm sure this will all work out. so i'm gonna be pretty busy next week with shows. and i'm seriously going to have this music down perfect this weekend sometime. 3 day weekend for the next weekends!! woooo!!! i already got some things planned that i hope will go through.

oh yea everybody is getting sick right now. WTH IS GOIN ON? people need to stay home when they're sick. i did that and i got well much faster. only negative thing is i'm a lil behind on trig cuz i missed probably the most important day. but its ok i'll get it soon.

this is how i find relief

this post is a day old. so just remember that

giant strawberries from chino/pomona area always lift my spirits up =) there was some that were bigger than this one in the half flat my dad bought. i can recall my dad bringing a few flats up to mammoth when we would head up there and we would give them to some of the locals that we know. thats how we dooo in socal!

so far this week has been pretty packed. me, taylor, and helen have been doing all the planning for winter formal. there isn't any real big conflicts so far. except for michelle deciding to go off to west covina mall with dom for their pics rather than staying with the group -_-... and dominic was complaining to me about how we haven't been informing him about the plans. most of our planning has been kept between the three of us so that we just don't spread some tentative plan and then it changes the next day and people would still assume the old plans and just be plain ol' confused. dominic started sounding a lot like michelle. this was on aim and i could've made it real nasty cuz he was starting to piss me off. he chooese to leave every lunch to go off and do whatever rather than stick around and discuss these plans. shewt he's never done anything for a group so he shouldn't be complaining. but if i bring that up to him he's just gonna get angry and a stupid fight will develop. so there's no need for that.

anyways back to the week. monday i had lots of stuff to do that i can't remember. mostly hw. and relax. tuesday i had honor band performance. last one forever! and it went pretty well. there were of course "disturbances in the force." but overall after reviewing footage my dad took, it was good =) i can't help but recollect on some fond memories in that band. i remember first year in, sara aranda showed me the ropes such as grabbing all the first parts before all the other schools and of course, taking the first chairs XD. i remember playing into the raging river with its exciting 7/8 time. second year, the directors divided the parts lol. i loved chester haha! no seriously i wish we could play it for symphonic band. and then symphonic overture which we ended up playing for symphonic ahhaa. i also felt closer to the people in that year. this year went by really quick. i was dissappointed on the guy they picked for the clarinet solo cuz he can't play the rhythm correctly. whatevs though. still went well.

and now for today. i'm so bored during schoool! i really wish i didn't have 4th period band! i don't need three band classes!!! all i do is nothinggg. but james said he's gonna have me teach clarinet during concert band... alriteee. not looking forward to that but oh well. i tried taking a nap but i wasn't too successful. drumline floors when folded are a lil small for me haha! so yea. then i had skills meeting which was boring. and then it reminded me of how i left early for a skills comp to go get ready for winter formal. hah it was a skills thing now i remember! sadies was because of jazz festival. ahh yes. the rush of my junior year is coming back at me.

i found myself trying to clean my room right now also O_O what got me doin that is trying to find my dance pictures from last year. i still can't find my sadies ones right now =( i'm gonna keep looking but i need to do more gov reading T__T

Monday, February 2, 2009

UCLA "rescheduling" audition

thats pretty much how it was. so my parents drove me down to UCLA so i'm less stressed and everything about the audition. good thing cuz traffic in was horribleeeee. i would hate to have to drive to a job everyday in that kind of traffic. thats just stupid. haha. so when we started getting in closer to UCLA, i got to see the surrounding shopping area. its pretty tight down there! tons of places to eat with tons of clothing stores like urban outfitters which was the only one i really can remember right now. my parents liked the area so if i do make it there they won't be dissappointed or anything. haha CSULB isn't in the greatest area XD

anyways so upon arriving we got into a parking lot and walked over to the building for my audition. i was able to get a practice room and be able to work with janus when she arrived. so they were running about half an hour behind schedule which was perfectly fine with me. just gave me more time to warm up. soon the lady came down and lead me to the room for my audition. and as soon as i walked into the room, i knew i was in the wrong place.

these guys were legit jazz guys. i could tell from their real laid-back speech and everything. and i've been preparing a classical piece for months, not jazz..... so at first they were greeting me very nicely. asked a few questions like how long i've been playing and where i'm from. and all questions were mainly from one guy and theres like a total of 6 faculty members i'm standing in front of. surpringly i was not nervous. probably beign sick kept me calm.

so then they moved onto me playing. as soon as i told them what i was playing, the head guy said, "hold on, hold on, wait a minute. this for the jazz program, we don't want to hear that we want to hear your improvization and creativity." soooooooooooo. i've been preparing the wrong thing this whole time. the other guys seemed like it would been alrite to hear me play at least a little. but head man just wanted jazz. one of them told me i could play a melody and just see if i can mess around on it. that wasn't the mind set i had going in there. so they however wanted to give me a chance by getting me rescheduled for classical audition. it was funny hearing how these faculty guys though would argue about me transferring later. one guy saying he can transfer later, the other saying no. just back and forth.

so me and janus were escorted into another room to talk to the undergrad advisor there. he talked to me and said plainly, "well you're not going to get into the ethnomusicology (jazz studies) program." aww mannn. but at least i'll have a shot in the classical area. so he talked to me more about what i have planned and went over to talk to the guy running the winds classical auditions. so i might be able to get a slot for next weekend. but it would have to be in the morning because of winter formal T_T. so in a way it was kind of a waste.

these auditions however give a look into what college i'm getting myself into. obviously UCLA is very serious and strong in what they do. the players that go there are already extraordinary players at the top of their game. honestly, i'm not at that level in jazz. classical might be another story but it would have to be on clarinet. so yeeeep. UCLA music program isn't easy to get in unlike how certain ayala juniors might think.

when i got home i was dying to see where the hell the ethnomusicology info was on the music site. i checked it again. i didn't find it......... soooo i was blind sided. no link or anything. so that was pretty lame. well at least APU is promising =)

so afterwards i headed off to a church sleepover taht is actually at the church. so all day i noticed people have a hard time telling what i'm saying cuz my voice is so horrible. my parents got all pissed off at me cuz i would sound like i'm snapping back when i just didn't want to really talk much. anyways, church sleepover. it was soo fun! i wasn't gonna do the sleepover part but i was definitely gonna hangout until they all went to sleep. so some highlights were talking to momotree a lot haha, playing dodgeball/nationball with inflatable globe balls that i loved to curveball at everybody, playing this one game that was like a combiniation of age of empires and soemthing else, anddd playing with the lil kids of course haha! i play with the little kids a lot at my church. they call me "Big Nate" cuz theres another lil kid named nathan so i'm big nate XD. so it was a lot of fun. i got home around 2:30ishhh. my parents are so much lighter on me this year with curfew. lame! i needed that last year cuz i was actually out a lot more!!

and today was church. i was asleep half the sermon XDDDD omggg i'm soo bad! i'm sitting next to my parents too haha. afterwards i was more awake. got to talk and hang with the youth group some more. of course it was still hard for me to talk but i'm getting better as the days go by. i'm pretty much recovered except for the congestion. and nowwwww

i'm watching vids from the past marching season T_____T i miss it sooo muchhh ay ay ayyy. ok so so so so SO! i have UCLA audition again this saturday and i'm probably gonna play some clarinet too. then afterwards i'll have winter formal. and then its a 3 day weekend!! woooo!! planning on making a visit to irvine again sooon and actually chilling for a while too. haha. can't wait!

oh and #1 choice audition is in mar. 7thhhh. i should prepare jazz stuff just in case X_X