Friday, December 26, 2008

on to the new year

i really like the gifts i got this year! thank you everybody! i hope everyone also enjoyed all the gifts i gave to you peoples out there as well. =) i know it wasn't very many, but nonetheless you people were in my thoughts haha. merry christmas!

ohh when i was wearing my new vest i got my from my aunt, i felt something weird in one of the pockets. i found out that it was this 3 inch long needle X_X how did it get there??? weeeird.

now for new years! i can't wait till the ski trip! my car is in the shop getting checked and everything before this trip so that it won't have any problems. my dad told me that i should get lessons. and surprisingly, it costs exactly the same as if i didn't have any lesson haha! perfectt.

so this new year is going to bring a lot of change for me. heading off to college is going to be the biggest. i know that as i get closer to other people, i'm going to get farther away from others T_T. thats the sad truth to reality right there. i'm gonna miss all the people in band. i'm going to miss my entire church family. i'm going to miss even my own family! and of course, i'm going to miss all those moments that were found in high school that i will never be able to experience again. Marching band was definitely one. the dances. my one amazing relationship. gone. hopefully things will change for the better. i'll be optimistic =)


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