Friday, December 19, 2008

blog nite!

haha i guess thats what i'm gonna do. its too late to practice what i need to really work on. but yea.

i wanna get past this mental block of singing and playing guitar at the same time haha. its weird! thinking about two different rhythms at the same time is difficult. maybe if i get some lessons about singing that would help too XD

i'm glad i got all my christmas shopping done early! i was able to get all the people i really needed to get. if i had some more money i woudl've gotten a lil more.

pretty big day tomorrow! 1st up is some thing for my church where we're gonna deliver gifts to a family that has been going through rough times. its going to be with my youth group! but i can't stay for long =/ cuz soon after i have to fill in for nick seranio for some sax quartet gig in some trailer park? hahaha. random but yea. i got nick to pay me for it. and then kristen's christmas party till who knows when.

and before these i think i'll bake cookies (or at least try). at church we were given this box with recipes inside. the goal was to give a full box of cookies or some sort of treat to somebody. and this somebody wasn't supposed to be like a relative you forgot. but somebody that you didn't originally thought about giving a gift but you believe deserves one. and i figured who to give it to. its this one kid in my youth group who seems like an outcast in a way. i believe he really deserves it. so yea thats the plan wish me luck!


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