Sunday, March 22, 2009

i question myself

I'm sitting here attempting to study for my Government AP course. The test is tomorrow. It has 70 something questions on it and I have only been studying for maybe an hour. It was a very unfocused study session that my back was very sore. I don't know why my back is sore after I run or just from school. Anyways, I'm actually writing a blog more like my other counterparts on wordpress and blogspot. With all the capitals and correct grammar you can think of. (not really)

I question myself wondering, "Should I have really taken Gov. AP?" In the first semester, it was much easier in that the tests for the first half were no larger than 40 questions. It has now since doubled that size and has become extremely difficult for me to be able to retain so much information. Especially since I also have difficulty retaining what goes on in class. No doubt, Mr. Christiansen is the best teacher I've ever had in my entire life. But the tests are whats killing me! 80 questions on one chapter???? Lately, my test scores have been lucky enough to reach a C-.... while almost everybody around me gets a B or better. I wonder at times how I would do if I was in a regular government class. I would definitely be getting an A. But how would it have affected my college acceptances? Perhaps not very much. The main factor for me I recall now is the fact that I HATE being in classes with stupid people all around me. Nothing worse than being the smart one out of a bunch of stoners... also a cause of distractions. I do tend to get distracted and trail off in my mind in Gov AP.

Maybe it's because I constantly have a song in my head, or just thinking about random stuff. High school has officially become boring to me. However, Salvation is soon to come.

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